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GenusMacrotis large eared
Common NamesGreater Bilby
Rabbit-eared Bandicoot, Rabbit Bandicoot, Pinkie, Ninu, Walpajirri, Dalgyte
Nearest Relativesbandicoots
Sizesimilar to a rabbit; male 2.5 kg; female about half the male
Featureslong rabbit-like ears; long nose, tail, and legs;
Habitatmulga shrublands, spinifex grassland, mitchell grassland
Distributionsouth-western Queensland, Northern Territory, north Western Australia – restricted
Statusvulnerable to extinction; some captive breeding programs; plans to reestablish a colony in national parkland near Charleville, Qld.
Foodinsects and their larvae, seeds, bulbs, fruit, fungi
Lifestylefeed at night; rest in burrows during the day; live singly or in pairs
Frequency1 or 2 young in each litter; may be 4 litters in a year in favourable conditions
Sexual Maturity6 months


  • Encyclopedia of Australian Wildlife, Readers Digest Australia Pty Ltd, 1997. Readers Digest (Australia) Pty Ltd, Surrey Hills.
  • Complete Book Of Australian Mammals, R Strahan (ed), 1983. Angus & Robertson Publishers, London.

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